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geam ipad 2 alb geam iphone 4 alb Reparatii iphone 3gs

Geam iPhone 4 display iPhone 4 touchscreen iphone 4 PRET
touch screen iphone 3gs Microfon iphone 4 Capac Spate 3gs 4

Inlocuire , Schimb , Reparatii iphone 4 3gs 3g Geam Display Carcasa

Contact Daniel : 0767.782.151

Reparatii HARDWARE:

- Inlocuim GEAM, Touch Screen, Display IPHONE 4 3Gs 3G 2G
- Schimbare Casca, Difuzor,Senzor Proximitate 4 3Gs 3G 2G
- Inlocuire Sursa, Folie, Mufa Incarcare 4 3Gs 3G 2G
- Schimbam Home Button 4 3Gs 3G 2G
- Schimb Carcasa cu Rama 3Gs 3G Capac SPate iphone 4
- Interventii pe Placa de Baza!!

Reparatii SOFTWARE:

- Downgrade Soft
- Decodare,Resoftare
- Jailbreak pentru Aplicatii gratuite
- Instalare Gps IGO 2010

Lucram NUMAI cu produse originale

Oferim Garantie 3-6 luni in functie de Reparatie si piese inlocuite

- Contact : Daniel - 0767.782.151

Judet: N/A
Localitate: Bucuresti
Persoana contact: Daniel
Telefon: 0767782151
Email: stronggsm @

Produs / serviciu disponibil. Pentru informatii suplimentare,
va rugam contactati persoana care a publicat anuntul.

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